Sunday, September 1, 2013

should i be honest in this? have i ever been honest? to view things in front of me, i must close my left eye. sometimes i cover it palm on my skin, pressing until the nerves in my eye quiver. hows that for truth? something not many would see me do. not many people would know. probably something i'll do until the day i die, nobody ever knowing.

or that i like to sit in the dark. or in silence. or in both. for hours. for days. every day. every single fucking day. its already been half of my life? but really, i like it bright. i turn on the lights and leave them on. the brighter the better. i even leave the rooms i dont use lighted. im scared of shadows. of something jumping out on me from behind the doors. like, lets say, rapists. or a stray cat. or a reincarnated albert fish. and i really dont care if this runs my electricity bill high. ill pay it. i never have money either way. har har. so who cares. its better to be humble and have a servant than be rich with no food.

hows that for honesty? i could go on. i know you've got truth in you somewhere. we all do. but what seperates between you and i- i dont judge. im not conceited. i dont huff over our differences. i see it with such clarity the way i see a bright room. you are blanketed in our differences. you wear me like a dress.

hows that for human?

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